Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Positive thoughts

 Looking around online....posting random interesting things....
thinking about positive thinking and the law of attraction.

You are more than you appear to be - Life is greater than you have ever known it- The best is yet to come.
~ Ernest Holmes---------------------------------------

"Your mind is a tool you can choose to use any way you wish."
"Be kind to yourself. Begin to love and approve of yourself."
"Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older."
"Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives."
"As your understanding of life continues to grow, you can walk upon this planet safe and secure, always moving forward toward your greater good."
"Love who and what you are and what you do."
"Your unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through you and are being expressed in deeply satisfying ways. Your creativity is always in demand."
"You are not a helpless victim of your own thoughts, but rather a master of your own mind."
"Look at the problems in your life. Ask yourself, 'What kind of thoughts am I having that create this?'"
"Begin to recognize prosperity everywhere, and rejoice in it."
"You are the power in your world! You get to have whatever you choose to think!"- Louise Hay
Life is ever giving of Itself. We must receive, utilize and extend the gift. Success and prosperity are spiritual attributes belonging to all people.
~ Ernest Holmes

You really need to watch out for people who don't want you to say this.

Louise Hay affirmation card

from Etsy shop "beauideal"

Mike Abbot and Kim Ellwood metal pin

I wouldn't buy these but they are kinda neat. There's not much I would buy, really, in the way of decorations and arty stuff.

Rika Takada illustration

Shannon Garson ceramic bowls

Old Steiff tiger

Silly Dumplin Dynasty brand tin

Nice playroom....

so calm....