Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

 A quiet, cloudy Christmas.

Opened gifts, took a walk....
thinking about sacred geometry, folk art, papercutting....the mysteries of life.....

a paper cutting

Another papercutting

More papercutting

Pennsylvania Dutch hex sign

I like this six petal design alot

See where is comes from?

This pattern is called the flower of life...sacred geometry..

The golden ratio....

more sacred geometry


I like how in nativity scenes the animals want to look/be near the baby

What is going on here in this ancient Egyptian relief at the temple of Hathor?

I like snakes, and snake jewelry

Hooked rug. I would've had the birds face each other if I had hooked this.

Clifford Nevin papercutting

Fraktur style papercutting

Nancy Shelly "sherenshnite" papercutting

Pamela Dalton sherenshnite

Julie Harrison papercutting

Elsa Mora papercutting

Elsa Mora

Elsa cute!


jaunty vintage puzzle with snazzy colors