Saturday, December 18, 2010

More doodling...

Eye of Horus

Alfonso Castillo tree of life
 Some neat Mexican folk art....
The Owl and the Pussycat...colors, fabric...just doodling around.

the previous sculptures are all Alfonso Castillo

Carved wood folk art

Bold fabric

Sloan Photographers....cute and happy

Cute. But again, I don't want to collect stuff.

from Amilka on Etsy

Alot of so-so stuff on Etsy....

Could be very sexy......

Vintage wallpaper behind the glass

Shadow puppets

Kinda interesting candleholder

Paper cuttings

odd papercutting

from Iwannabe on Etsy

Nice wildflower bouquet

Frankie Norstad photo

Michael Robertson illustrations

pleasing folk art

Milla Jovovich

Nail art like Fergie might wear

snazzy magazine cover. I like the eyeliner.

I never get tired of The Owl and the Pussycat

wierd photo from flikr.

I need to get one of these and fix it up.