Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just lookin'

Chanel. This would look so cool in motion I think.

I like black and white clothes

more fun from Chanel on painfully thin models....ug.

Chanel. I like the white dress and bathing suit but the costume on the left, no.

Blake Lively wears a ton of Chanel.

....with flirty, elegant Christian Louboutin shoes.

 So as I wait for various people to get back to me and answer my emails and not be flakey....I am just posting a blog. Peeking at the new Chanel collection. Gee, wouldn't that be fun to see? a fashion show in St. Tropez?
Chanel is great. I wish they wouldn't use fur though. I wish all the designers would design without fur.
Tracy Reece is another designer I like. I like Marc Jacobs. But he hits and misses. And his print ads are so awful? Like for his perfume? I don't get those at all. They are like those cheesy American Apparel ads. Boring.
Anyway....the search continues for nude models. Hopefully the guy I talked to who makes adult movies will get back to me and I can go shoot some video for him...I think during the holidays people are distracted and not as eager to pose nude? Who wants to be filthy when you're thinking about the holidays anyway?
This biz may have it's own strange rhythm which I will have to learn.
I emailed xtube about their options for selling video there....interesting structure they have to make money with instant, downloadable clips and movies. People are changing the way they view porn. It is not like it was 20 years ago. 10. 15. 5. BUT....there is still money to be made. And if I can figure out how to get a piece of this action it just might suit me....I want to control my schedule and not have a boss. Is that so bad?
Anyway, I was browsing other sites too...I kinda like that flatware but would it be comfortable to eat off of? That is important. The plate is an example of something I do not like. Fussy delicate annoying fine china! My brother can have all that china from my dad's mother.Have fun eating off of it while worrying about breaking it! Bleh.

Tracy Reese. Talented!

Tracy Reese Dress

Tracy Reese dress

Vanessa Minillo in Tracy Reece

a model at Tracy reese.

"Goa" flatware by Cutipol

Royal Copenhagen