Sunday, December 12, 2010


Poppies....gardens are nice.
This post is just a mishmosh... I am thinking about things I like but that no longer have much importance in my life. Like graphic design and art (painting, drawing) which I used to do quite alot of...and then things that I still do like but miss doing. Like riding horses.
Who has time to craft primitive dolls and stitch quilts and crochet things and paint? I don't seem to. But I don't miss those things. I would like to be around horses but where I live currently is not a very horsey area.
Another thing about doing crafts is that they pile up...the supplies pile up, the finished crafts pile up...I don't want junk all over the place. There is no item that I really like to collect anymore.
So here I am embarking on a whole new era...videography. Filming. Maybe photography.
Painting and sewing and crochet and teddybears and paper mache....seems like such a long time ago. Childish. Time consuming.
I want to live life not sit hidden away making...CRAFTS! the absurdity...I mean...I am surprised that I ever wanted to "be an artist". I felt I "should" because I was creative, had some ability at it. If I had felt free-er, if I had had more self esteem when I was young I don't think I would have spent anywhere near as much time as I did doing "art".
I'm sure that porn/erotica is partly a reaction to aging, to feeling like I wasted time....I think there is an element of anger in porn...being in it and creating it moreso than watching it. There's a sense of rebelliousness. Like no I will NOT be told what to do! I wasted years listening to what other people thought I should do and should be and I will nudies if I want to. My way. I will own my life. I will be happy for my own reasons. My reasons and my happiness is valid. I need no justification.
Nice composition on this

Mila Kunis in GQ. Playful. Will I get to photograph sunny, fun scenes like this?

Mila Kunis again in GQ. Odd expression but I like the color scheme.

She is considering her options looks like...

Amazing huh? I had fun riding ponies in horseshows in L.A.
Debee Theibault folk art. Cute. But do I need to buy it and store it in my house?

I used to really like the primitive style of folk art

I drew this during my graphic design/art days. It is one of my favorites.

1936, Beatrice Appia, Histoire de Perlette....whimsical

Nice graphic design/illustration. Nice snake.

More Russian children's book illustration. Nice owl on the phone pole.