Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Bigger Picture

Wonderful Ganesh! he should be pictured with his little helper, a rat, though.

Ernest Holmes books use Jesus as a shepherd as a metaphor, with the sheep as our thoughts.
The Bigger picture includes spirituality. That is one of the main reasons I really want to have a flexible scehdule.I like to have time to study religion/philosophy and self help books.
What is it that you choose to do with your time? Who needs to approve?
Who would want to dissaprove of what you do? What do people who don't like what you want to do (with YOUR time and YOUR life) want from you? What do you owe people? What do you owe yourself?
I am asking these questions.
I think I dwell on questions like these more because I had such a terrible time in my 20's. When you feel like an entire decade was stolen, you just don't want to give any more time away. You don't want to waste it.
There is ONE life each down here on this Earth. 

I have a house in North Dakota that I need to do something with. Keep? Sell?

Another big question in life is where do you want to live?

D'oh! This is just silly. but funny.

Mysterious Metatron's Cube...sacred geometry

My house in ND. It is all the way painted now.

I took this photo in North Dakota

What most of ND looks like

It's good to enjoy yourself.

Pretty nude from ebay

This way the light hits her is pretty.

R.I.P. Ricky. We miss you.

the seed of life...more sacred geometry