Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On a lighter note....

TV Dinner cupcakes!

Chocolate Turtle Cupcakes

June 6th, 2010 § 13
Chocolate Turtle Cupcakes
Chocolate Turtle Cupcake Chocolate Turtle Cupcakes
Chocolate Turtle Cupcake (from
This seems overly complicated......
"The faint of heart need not apply. By that I mean, if you are a tepid dessert partaker this won’t be your thing.
Case and point, the gentlemen that surveys my messy kitchen wanderings, asking questions more often than tasting, gave a big pass on this. Reason: Too much going on in that thing.
I will admit it’s a sweet one, but sweet in the best of ways. I first saw these at Cavelli Bakery’s site and being that it’s located in Texas, there was no way I could order some. So like any foodie, I set out to recreate it in my kitchen.
This chocolate turtle cupcake has everything. It’s a chocolate cupcake with a pocket of caramel sauce tucked inside, and on top of that is caramel buttercream with some sprinkled brown sugar pecans and to finish everything off . . . drizzled caramel and chocolate sauce.
Are you ready? 

Chocolate Turtle Cupcakes
{Printer Version}

Step by Step Caramel Buttercream copy Chocolate Turtle Cupcakes
Magnolia’s Chocolate Cupcake
Makes 2 dozens
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line two 12 cup muffin pans.
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
4 large eggs, at room temperature
6 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted (*see  note)
1 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Note: To melt the chocolate, place in a double boiler over simmering water on low heat for approximately 5–10 minutes. Stir occasionally until completely smooth and no pieces of chocolate remain. Remove from the heat and let cool to lukewarm 5–10 minutes.
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Line two 12-cup muffin tins with cupcake papers. Set aside.
3. In a small bowl, sift together the flour and baking soda. Set aside.
4. In a large bowl, on the medium speed of an electric mixer, cream the butter until smooth. Add the sugars and beat until fluffy, about 3 minutes.
5. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the chocolate, mixing until well incorporated. Add the dry ingredients in three parts, alternating with the buttermilk and vanilla. With each addition, beat until the ingredients are incorporated, but do not overbeat.
6. Bake for 20–25 minutes.. Remove from the tins and cool completely on a wire rack before filling with caramel.
Caramel Sauce (to fill cupcake hole)
5 tablespoons  water
3/4 cup  sugar
2/3 cup whipping cream
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Increase heat to high. Now and then, using the handle give the pot a swirl to keep the mixture moving. Do not stir the mixture directly. The mixture will start to bubble after a minute.
3. After approximately 3 minutes you will see a light shade of amber.
4. Another 30-90 seconds and the mixture will turn a dark shade of amber.
5. Once the mixture is a dark amber, turn off the heat and add the cream. Whisk to combine, do not worry about the bubbles as they will subside upon cooling. Set aside.
Caramel Buttercream
½ cup + 2 tbsp granulated sugar, divided
2 tbsp water
½ tsp salt
¼ cup whipping cream
¼  cup whole milk
4 egg yolks
2 sticks unsalted butter (room temperature)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp dark rum
1. Add water and sugar into a saucepan over low heat. Stir until sugar has dissolved. Use a wet brush to remove any crystals that form on the side.
2. Increase heat to high. Now and then, using the handle give the pot a swirl to keep the mixture moving. Do not stir the mixture directly. The mixture will start to bubble after a minute.
3. After approximately 3 minutes you will see a light shade of amber.
4. Another 30-90 seconds and the mixture will turn a dark shade of amber.
5. Once the mixture is a dark amber, turn off the heat and add the cream and milk. Whisk to combine, do not worry about the bubbles as they will subside upon. Set aside and let cool .
For a step-by-step picture of this portions see previous post Salted Caramel Cheesecake Cups.
6. Whisk egg yolks, two remaining tablespoons of sugar, and salt. Slowly add hot caramel while whisking mixture.
7. Pour combined mixture back into saucepan over medium low heat, stirring continuously until mixture coats the back of the spoon.  (See panel picture #2 and #3)
8. Remove from heat. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into the stand-mixer bowl. Beat the mixture with the wire whip at medium speed until it is light and cool. Make sure the mixture at this point is completely cool before adding the butter.9. Replace wire whip with the paddle attachment. Gradually add 2 tablespoons at a time, beat in the softened butter at medium speed. When all of the butter has been incorporated, beat the buttercream on high until mixture is light and fluffy (approximately 1 minute). Reduce the speed and beat in the vanilla and rum. Increase the speed once again and beat the buttercream for another minute, until it’s light and creamy. (See panel picture #4)
Adapted from  
Brown Sugar Pecans
1cup pecans
6 tablespoon butter
¾ cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 salt
1. Line bake sheet with foil.
2. Melt butter in sauce pan over medium heat, add brown sugar, vanilla and salt. Stir for one minute and remove form heat.
3. Continue stirring until brown sugar dissolves.
4. Toss pecans in mixture and spread over baking sheet, making sure to break up any clumps that may have formed. (See panel picture #1)
5. Bake at 325 degrees F for 25 minutes, stirring half way through.

1. Cut hole in top of cupcake and fill with caramel sauce.
2. Trim hole cut out into a flat disc and place on top of caramel.
3. Using a close star tip pipe top of cupcake.
4. Drizzle chocolate sauce and caramel sauce.
5. Sprinkle brown sugar pecans on top."

Donkey stuff

Besides the Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue in Tahachapi, CA..... is another really good organization.
Raggedy old quilt. Nice lively colors.

This could've been gaudy...but it came out cheerful.


Donkeys and horses work incredibly hard all over the world

groups like the Brooke and in India work to alleviate suffering.

Sweet, smart...but stubborn and sensitive. Not easy pets. They need all the care large equines do including hoof trimming.

Positive thoughts

 Looking around online....posting random interesting things....
thinking about positive thinking and the law of attraction.

You are more than you appear to be - Life is greater than you have ever known it- The best is yet to come.
~ Ernest Holmes---------------------------------------

"Your mind is a tool you can choose to use any way you wish."
"Be kind to yourself. Begin to love and approve of yourself."
"Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older."
"Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives."
"As your understanding of life continues to grow, you can walk upon this planet safe and secure, always moving forward toward your greater good."
"Love who and what you are and what you do."
"Your unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through you and are being expressed in deeply satisfying ways. Your creativity is always in demand."
"You are not a helpless victim of your own thoughts, but rather a master of your own mind."
"Look at the problems in your life. Ask yourself, 'What kind of thoughts am I having that create this?'"
"Begin to recognize prosperity everywhere, and rejoice in it."
"You are the power in your world! You get to have whatever you choose to think!"- Louise Hay
Life is ever giving of Itself. We must receive, utilize and extend the gift. Success and prosperity are spiritual attributes belonging to all people.
~ Ernest Holmes

You really need to watch out for people who don't want you to say this.

Louise Hay affirmation card

from Etsy shop "beauideal"

Mike Abbot and Kim Ellwood metal pin

I wouldn't buy these but they are kinda neat. There's not much I would buy, really, in the way of decorations and arty stuff.

Rika Takada illustration

Shannon Garson ceramic bowls

Old Steiff tiger

Silly Dumplin Dynasty brand tin

Nice playroom....

so calm....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

 A quiet, cloudy Christmas.

Opened gifts, took a walk....
thinking about sacred geometry, folk art, papercutting....the mysteries of life.....

a paper cutting

Another papercutting

More papercutting

Pennsylvania Dutch hex sign

I like this six petal design alot

See where is comes from?

This pattern is called the flower of life...sacred geometry..

The golden ratio....

more sacred geometry


I like how in nativity scenes the animals want to look/be near the baby

What is going on here in this ancient Egyptian relief at the temple of Hathor?

I like snakes, and snake jewelry

Hooked rug. I would've had the birds face each other if I had hooked this.

Clifford Nevin papercutting

Fraktur style papercutting

Nancy Shelly "sherenshnite" papercutting

Pamela Dalton sherenshnite

Julie Harrison papercutting

Elsa Mora papercutting

Elsa Mora

Elsa cute!


jaunty vintage puzzle with snazzy colors