Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What's in a name?

What's in a name? I like sexy and I like trailer parks. So I just decided to use this name and not overthink it.
To me a trailerpark is a sortof mythical place. Real trailerparks...not so great sometimes. But the trailerpark in my imagination is sexy. It's a little bit Sunnyvale from Trailer Park Boys and a little bit Shady Dell, AZ.It's a place apart, in dreamtime, full of fun and freedom.
The actors from Trailer Park Boys

On the show they grow pot

The opening and theme song are pretty cool


A modern mobile home!

Vintage trailer interior
By the way, if you haven't seen the Canadian TV show Trailer Park Boys you might want to check it out, especially the earlier seasons. There are some characters I don't really care for but it can be very funny. I like the episodes about the Samsquamsh and liqorball sandwiches.
Mike Smith who plays Bubbles has a great singing voice- so great when he does his song Kitties Are So Nice. I also like a song called Curious that he did when he was in the band Sandbox, but he wasn't the lead singer on that for some reason!
Well, I have started to line up women to film. Maybe this will actually get going. Seems to be flowing along....I'm reminded of a quote by Moshe Feldenkrais in his book The Potent Self  "One is not reluctant to give up action that does not work properly when in possesion of a correct method that does so; one even feels somewhat foolish for not having though of it before."